Today I had planned a cute little post with a recipe for panzanella, but I’m not going to do that. With horrific events piling up left and right - Orlando, Dallas, Turkey, Nice - I can’t proceed with business as usual.
If you love Italy, chances are you love food. And if you love food, chances are you love to cook.
Here are two things that will help you up your game.
When I was general manager of a large performing arts festival in Italy, I spent a great deal of time before the trip talking to everyone about their money. Nothing can bring your trip to a grinding halt faster than losing your cash flow.
One of the questions I’m asked often is about safety and theft. Is it safe in Italy? Will I get robbed?
As of January 2016, the entry and exit requirements for all countries within the Schengen area have changed. Previously, your passport only needed to be valid for 3 months beyond your exit date from the Schengen area (or in most cases, the date of your return flight). Now, it is 6 months. If you're planning to travel to Europe soon, it's important that you (1) check your passport's expiration date and (2) get it renewed if it expires less than 6 months beyond the date you are EXITING the Schengen area (not entering it).
Back in my carefree twenties, before I had children and when my job entailed extensive travel, I always had terrible jet lag. Almost a week would pass before I could get out of bed before 10 am without feeling like I might die. That changed after we had kids.
Before I start: I am not receiving money from any of these companies. This is all stuff I really like and use regularly, and I just wanted to share the love. Also, I shop on Amazon. A lot.
Yu-Be lip balm
You know those lip balms that are kind of waxy and j...
I don’t know about you, but if I’m presented with - say - a filet mignon or a Holtman’s red velvet donut, I don’t cram the whole thing in my mouth and choke it down with some water. Nor do I eat as many of them as I can in one sitting. No, no, noooooooo. Neither of…
“The gentle reader will never, never know what a consummate ass he can become until he goes abroad.” – Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad
Holding Sweet Pea and Monkey’s passports, I find it both interesting and exciting that at an age where they could barely talk or walk...
I am organized to the teeth when I travel - the polar opposite of my bon-vivant, Serbian husband. It all works out in the end, though. I keep us from dying or spending time needlessly wandering around, and he makes us live in the moment and meet new people.

#pre-trip checklist
#money matters abroad
#packing lists
#fillable pre-trip shopping lists
An Italian (well--Tuscan, really) dish I quickly learned to love during my hot summers there is panzanella. It makes use of stale bread and staples of Italian cooking: olive oil, tomatoes and fresh basil. Purists contend that the only other ingredients should be a dash of red wine vinegar, some onions, and salt.